
2014年8月8日—You'relost,cold,andneedaplacetosleepforthenight.Butthere'smoregoingonthanitseems.Ashortfirst-persongame.,You'relost,cold,andneedaplacetosleepforthenight.Butthere'smoregoingonthanitseems.Ashortfirst-persongame.,NightInTheWoodsisa2Dstory-focusedadventure/explorationgamewithmanyextracurricularactivitiestoenjoy,characterstomeet,andsecretsto ...,Despitesomeslightlyunevenpacing,Nightint...

A Night in the Woods

2014年8月8日 — You're lost, cold, and need a place to sleep for the night. But there's more going on than it seems. A short first-person game.

A Night in the Woods details

You're lost, cold, and need a place to sleep for the night. But there's more going on than it seems. A short first-person game.

Night in the Woods

Night In The Woods is a 2D story-focused adventure/exploration game with many extracurricular activities to enjoy, characters to meet, and secrets to ...

Night in the Woods critic reviews

Despite some slightly uneven pacing, Night in the Woods is a mature, honest and fun tale of how it feels to be lost in a damaged world. This is the indie game ...

Night in the Woods details

Night In The Woods is a 2D story-focused adventure/exploration game with many extracurricular activities to enjoy, characters to meet, and secrets to ...

Night in the Woods user reviews

Quirky and random gameplay elements with a comfortable 1 hour per day pacing. Great vibes, sounds, and style all around! Overall a fairly simple game, with not ...